Let there be light, said Ernest

March 24, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

©Simon Cowling©Simon Cowling Light. Its what photography is all about, right? I recently discovered some lovely quotes from a man who is well known to Dr Who fans (or should be if they were paying attention). His name is Ernest Vincze, a Hungarian lighting cameraman who was responsible for setting the look and feel of the new Dr Who series from 2005 to 2009 and is regarded by many cameramen as a true master of light. 

I think light and all its nuances are one of the greatest influences that not only got me interested in photography in the first place, but has kept me there ever since. There is something indefinably wondrous about the ever-changing qualities of light, and the challenge of getting that feeling into a picture. The trick is to recognise great light when you see it and grab it with both hands. And a camera is also handy. Even if it means getting out of the car in the middle of a downpour! The above was taken in Canada's Rocky Mountains last year.

Some thoughts on light from Ernest that I think are worth pondering:

"Light is beautiful. Light reveals the world to us. Light permeates our reality at every scale of our existence. Light is a carrier of beauty, a giver of life." 

"Light is amazing. Light sets our biological clocks. Light is craved by the body and soul. It triggers in our brain the sensation of colour. Light feeds us and it inspires us with specials like rainbows, sunsets, Northern Lights."

"Light can be gentle or violent, living or dead, clear or misty, hot or dark and sensual. Light can be straight or slanting, subdued or bright, poisonous or calming."  

Maybe he should have been called Ernest Lights.....


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