Want to Learn Photography?

July 03, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

Sugarloaf Mountain, Rio de Janeiro

I've been teaching photography on and off for many years. Now, I'm more interested in teaching on a one-to-one basis, or at most with 2-3 people. I'll still be doing the odd seminar or course here and there - a couple of workshops at the Fremantle Arts Centre for example, and later this year I have an intriguing one-day seminar coming up - watch this space!

Meanwhile, if you'd like to learn anything about photography without the need for scheduled classes or distracting fellow students, I'm more than happy to oblige. Here are some ideas to inspire you.

> Basic Digital. Just spent a fortune on a new camera with lots of knobs and dials? Want to know how to get the best out of your purchase and also learn the essentials of lens choices, colour and composition? This is for you.

> Beyond Basic. This covers a lot of ground - depends what you want! Learn in more detail the mysteries of depth of field, lighting, better travel photography, portraiture, architectural photography, aerial photography, industrial photography, magazine photography... phew. 

> After the Click. OK, you've shot your heart out, got a raft of good images, now what? Learn all you need to know about Lightroom, the world industry standard for cataloguing and refinement of digital images. And then of course there's Photoshop, the Big One. Lots to  learn there, and I can teach you to master image making using either or both of these essential programs.

> Travel Photography. My favourite thing. Come and learn how to understand the essence of travel photography, what to look for, how to behave (yes!) and how to capture the essence of a country and culture.

What don't I cover? Well there are a few things that are better taught by specialists in these fields. Sports (any and all), underwater photography and wedding photography. And sunsets. Did I mention sunsets? I don't "do" sunsets except with a glass of wine in my hand.

Give me a call or send me an email and tell me what you'd like to learn! I can tailor the lessons to suit you, whether its a one-off lesson or a series of sessions. No obligation to sign up for any course structures, learn at your own pace and have my full attention. Prices are $90 per hour, that's it.

Call: 0418 926 920

Email: [email protected]

Oh, and I also offer Gift Certificates for my sessions. Great present for the photofile in your life.

Jardins Majorelles, Morocco


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